Eventually I’d like to get some cloud saving ability in place so you could sync all of your settings to the cloud to make it easy to use Opshell on multiple devices. I’m not sure how to tackle this yet for multiple reasons. Putting api keys into an OpenSource project to have this ability on by default isn’t really a great idea. Making everyone sign up for their own developer keys for things like google drive api, or One Drive seems like a pain. Other things as well just on how this would work in general.

So, for now I decided to go with an export/import feature. Exporting will create a zip of all of your settings along with all of your imported keys. Importing will allow you to import all of those settings and keys. This worked well in my testing, as I was able to export my entire setup for my Mac install and import everything to my Windows install.

Have also discovered a few issues:

1) When inside a curses based program like Vim, if you copy text, it actually copies text from the original screen and not the file your editing. This is a bug within Xterm.js itself. It’s been noted that this is fixed in the next major release that will come out within a month, so they won’t be back porting the fix.

2) Bastion Hosts do not work on Windows. Windows OpenSSH does not support the Proxy command, so that’s a bit of a bummer. Windows users can still use Opshell, it’s just if all of the servers are behind the bastion host on private IPs they can’t just connect directly to them through the Bastion host as you can on a Mac. They’ll have to ssh to the Bastion host first and then connect to the server from there. A VPN setup would be a better option for this type of environment anyways, since I’ve never been a fan of Bastion hosts.


– Fixed a menu order issue with Windows.
– If a bastion host was setup, it was always going to use it, even if you had chosen not to for a specific connection.

– Added the ability to Export and Import Settings (orgs, regions, access keys, and ssh keys)