Version 0.0.5

Found out that when a region was deleted it was not actually deleting the SSH keys that were imported along with it. fs-extra and emptyDir to the rescue. I also added a bunch of test organizations for some screenshots I was working on and realized I didn’t add...

Version 0.0.4

Finally decided on a name. DevOps helper was a mouthful and led to some interesting discussions on Reddit where I had posted a couple of release announcements. Things such as “You can’t call it DevOps Helper, because DevOps doesn’t involve...

Version 0.0.3

Wanting to keep up the pace of just addressing any issues I find quickly, this is just another minor release. I noticed in several areas that select boxes didn’t have a selected option by default. Learning curve with Vue and v-models but I believe I have things...

Version 0.0.2

Some of the organizations I work with have upwards of 100 instances within AWS. Eventually I’d like to work out some pagination, but for now I decided to add some basic filtering and sorting when listing instances in a region. So version 0.0.2 is a small update...

Version 0.0.1

After an initial attempt at writing this in Swift I hit a roadblock with the whole shell session and being able to initiate an ssh session. I decided to start over using something that I was a little more familiar with and settled on Electron with Vue. Within a week I...